Finnish approach

In our daily lives the main objective is the child. For us, the child is an individual, with his own times and interests. Teachers’ role is to recognize the child’s development and characteristics. Helping our little ones grow up in a stimulating, peaceful and serene environment.

Collaboration between children and teachers for a motivating education

We work in harmony with the initiatives of the children and the observations of the teachers. Children’s initiatives exist in myriad ways through play, activities and everyday processes that fuel the motivation to create meaning through actions. It is essential to focus on children’s participation as it encourages and promotes agency and motivation in their development.

Play and learning: the child-centred pedagogical approach

The meaning of play as a space for learning, interaction, well-being and creativity guide our educational programs and shape teacher training programms. The game is known to create joy and pleasure; it is a motivating activity that will not only be used as a tool to achieve cognitive learning goals, but it is as an approach – a way of pedagogically interacting with children.

“The game is their job”
Cit. Mary Montessori

EnglishABC nursery staff
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Call the number: 0381 72287

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